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Migrating from Oracle to Azure SQL caveat – prepared statement set string causes implicit conversion

Published June 1, 2022 in Azure , Azure SQL database - 0 Comments

In the previous post, I discuss the issue we face with storing date and time after migrating to azure SQL and the solution. If interested, you can check it out here. In this post, I talk about an issue we encountered with regards to implicit conversion, causing high CPU usage and performance degradation.

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Migrating from Oracle to Azure SQL caveat – java.sql.Date does not represent time.

My team recently migrated one of our main database from Oracle to Azure SQL database. In this and upcoming posts, I’m going to share a few things I have learned during the process. Specifically, in this post, I share an issue we ran into with storing date and time, after migrating the schema and data from our Oracle into azure SQL database.

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Azure AD authentication in angular using MSAL angular v2 library

In previous projects, I use Oidc-client-js to authenticate users against azure AD. Oidc-client-js is a great library but is no longer maintained by the main author. Because of this, I have switched to MSAL angular v2 in my current project. Microsoft provides good documentation and sample projects to help developers to integrate the library into their project. I am able to follow the sample project to get authentication working in my angular application, albeit a few hiccups along the way. In this post, I share some of the issues I ran into and how I structure the codes for authentication.

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Notes on component coupling

In this post, I write about the three principles regarding component coupling that I have learned from reading the book “Clean Architecture : A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design” by Robert Martin. The three principles are: Acyclic Dependencies Principle, Stable Dependencies Principle and Stable Abstractions Principle.

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Notes on Component Cohesion

In this post, I summarize the three component principles regarding component cohesion which I learned from reading the book “Clean Architecture : A Craftsman’s Guide to Software Structure and Design” by Robert Martin. The three principles are: The Reuse/Release Equivalence Principle, The Common Closure Principle, and The Common Reuse Principle.

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Notes on the three programming paradigms

Published January 30, 2022 in Architecture , C# , Java , Object Oriented Programming - 0 Comments

In this post, I summarize the different programming paradigms which I learned from reading the book “Clean Architecture A Craftsman’s guide to Software Structure and Design” by Robert Martin. The programming paradigms are structured programming, object oriented programming and functional programming.

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Build and deploy a WebJob alongside web app using azure pipelines

Published December 13, 2021 in .NET , .NET core , ASP.NET core , Azure , Devops - 1 Comment

In this post, I’m going to share some of the issues, misunderstandings I ran into when trying to setup and deploy a WebJob alongside a web application using azure pipelines. The WebJob is a console application, and the web app is an ASP.NET core. Both the WebJob and web app target .NET 5.

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More on inheritance

Inheritance is something that comes up quite often during my programming experience. Whenever I have classes that share some logic or properties, I think of inheritance. However, sometimes, using inheritance ends up making a design more brittle. Through my experience and reading, I have learned a few things about inheritance.

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