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Caching node modules and Cypress installation in an azure devops pipeline.

Published March 20, 2021 in Azure , Devops - 0 Comments

I have a back-end-for-front-end application which I scaffolded using Visual Studio. The backend is an ASP.NET core web API, and the front end is Angular. In the angular application, I have Cypress end-to-end tests that I want to run as part of a build pipeline. Accomplishing the objective requires a few things. For instance, I need to install Cypress binaries on the build agent. I also need to start the angular app to which the tests can run again. Installing Cypress binaries is a lengthy process, and with other steps, the entire build can take a long time to finish. After a few trial and error, I finally got the build to run Cypress tests and cache the binaries. Keep in mind that caching makes sense if the time it takes to save and restore the cache data is considerably less than the time it takes to download and install the data directly.

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